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Circle City Sigmas shared a form

Circle City Sigmas (circlecitysigmas@gmail.com) added you as an editor. Verify your email to securely make edits to this form. You will need to verify your email every 7 days. Learn more
This is the sign up sheet for Summer Celebration as requested by 2nd VP Beaty, Sr.
IBE Summer Celebration 2024 Sign Up

Circle City Sigmas shared a form

Circle City Sigmas (circlecitysigmas@gmail.com) added you as an editor. Verify your email to securely make edits to this form. You will need to verify your email every 7 days. Learn more
This is the sign up sheet for Summer Celebration as requested by 2nd VP Beaty, Sr.

IBE Summer Celebration 2024 Sign Up


Greetings Brothers, FYI It's not too late to register for the King Klean Community Service on Wednesday June 19th, from 8 to 12 working with the Center for Leadership Development on MLK Street. Hope to see you there. Bro. Beaty




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