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icon August 2024_Xi Sigma Chapter Meeting. 08.15.2024


The meeting was called to order at 6:35 PM.  Prayer was led by Brother Flynn.

The meeting was led by Pres. Vic Oditah Jr. in a town hall format to gather insights from the brothers of each committee. The meeting covered a range of topics, including updates on upcoming events, review and approval of the financial report, and discussions on the potential use of Zelle to bypass fees. The group also discussed the chapter’s ambitious goals, including launching a business directory to generate revenue, participating in the GOMAB Awards with a Roaring Twenties theme, reaching founders level, and attending the Tampa Conclave with 20 delegates.

The meeting also featured updates from various committees, including the social action committee, NPHC, Veterans Committee, Publicity and Education initiatives. Vic Oditah Jr. provided a comprehensive update on the recent enhancements to chapter operations, including the implementation of a chapter meeting minutes recorder, financial transaction report, publicity templates, and multimedia record keeping via Flickr. He also led a detailed discussion on the chapter’s financial transactions and payment systems, emphasizing the importance of streamlining processes and improving record-keeping.

The meeting addressed the importance of supporting the chapter’s vision and initiatives to advance the foundations’ goals, including updates on the Sigma foundation and the PBS Indy Foundation. Vic Oditah Jr, the Treasurer and Financial Secretary presented their comprehensive financial and administrative goals, including the implementation of QuickBooks for organizing financial records, ensuring compliance with IRS regulations for tax-exempt entities, and expanding fundraising efforts. The meeting concluded with Vic Oditah Jr addressing the group, expressing his concerns about the lack of respectful conduct and accountability during meetings and emphasizing the need for a more professional and business-like approach.

Chapter Meeting minutes By Brother Garner
Motion Brother Sherrell to approve meeting minutes
2nd by Brother Melton
Motion Carried
Treasurer Report
Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report by Past President Brother Scott
2nd by Brother Berlin Parker
Motion Carried.  

Chapters & Topics:

Town Hall and Committee Updates
Vic Oditah Jr. initiates the meeting, outlines the agenda, and emphasizes the importance of refocusing and resetting as they move forward. He acknowledges recent losses within the brotherhood and calls for support for the affected families. Additionally, he provides updates on upcoming events and encourages participation in various activities.

Financial Report and Membership Status Update
Vic Oditah Jr delivers the financial report for August 2024, outlining income, expenses, and account balances. Brother Coleman updates the membership status, emphasizing the need to increase local fully financial brothers. Ulysses Love expresses concerns about missing payments from Sigma Beta Club members, specifically mentioning John and Willie, and questions the deductions from the Sigma Beta account.

Discussion on Payment Platforms and Recordkeeping
Bro. Clark and Vic Oditah Jr discussed the possibility of incorporating Zelle to avoid fees, but concerns about recordkeeping were raised, particularly regarding the lack of recordkeeping with Cash App. It was agreed that Kenneth Wilson Jr would look into how Zelle maintains its records and follow up with the president. Vic Oditah Jr also mentioned the need to check if their bank supports Zelle.

Treasury Report Approval and Image Interpretation
Vic Oditah Jr. led the approval of the treasurer report, which was accepted after being motioned and seconded by Brother Chuck Scott and Brother Berlin Parker. The image of a paw print in the snow was analyzed, with Brother Kenneth Wilson Jr. interpreting it as an animal taking a step and then deciding not to pursue further, emphasizing the importance of making sound decisions.

Goals and Initiatives for the Chapter and Sigma Beta Club
Vic Oditah Jr presents the chapter’s goals, such as launching a business directory, participating in the GOMAB Awards, reaching founders level, and attending the Tampa Conclave. He stresses the significance of submitting PIAs for recognition and awards. Additionally, he outlines the goals for the Sigma Beta Club, aiming to double the number of members, secure sponsors, and organize fundraising events to support the club’s activities.

Committee Updates
Demetrice Hicks shares accomplishments and plans for the social action committee, highlighting the importance of community support and political presence. Vic Oditah Jr stresses the need for self-sufficiency and sustainability in committee fundraising, drawing parallels to professional development and results-driven mindset.
* Social Action and Political Presence

Veterans Committee and Education Updates
Vic Oditah Jr presents the goals and opportunities for the Veterans Committee, emphasizing the need for participation and support from the chapter. He discusses potential fundraising events and the importance of backing the committee’s initiatives. Brother Lou Chisholm provides updates on education initiatives, highlighting achievements and the need for support in documentation and fundraising to continue the work.
* Sigma Cares and Community Support
* Education and STEM Programming

Updates on Chapter Operations and Documentation
Vic Oditah Jr outlined the recent improvements in chapter operations, such as the introduction of a chapter meeting minutes recorder, financial transaction report, publicity templates, and multimedia record keeping via Flickr. He stressed the need for standard operating procedures (SOPs) and documentation to ensure the continuity and professional record-keeping of the chapter’s activities, encouraging members to participate, provide feedback, and hold themselves and others accountable for documenting their contributions.
* Multimedia Record Keeping via Flickr

Financial Transactions and Payment Systems
Vic Oditah Jr leads a discussion on the chapter’s financial transactions and payment systems, advocating for the use of a universal payment system like PayPal to streamline processes and improve record-keeping. He highlights the benefits of integrating PayPal with the chapter’s existing platforms, emphasizing the need for a centralized approach to financial operations to ensure efficient and accurate tracking of transactions.

Publicity Committee (Brother Marques Gibson) Updates and Monetization Progress
Vic Oditah Jr. shares the Publicity Committee’s achievements, such as increased followers, post reach, and progress towards monetization through Facebook streams. He emphasizes the need for more focus on live streams, Instagram, and podcasts, and discusses the goal of further monetizing social media. Additionally, he highlights the committee’s efforts to contribute content to the Crescent Magazine and the importance of succession planning for the publicity team.
* Veterans Committee and Fundraising

Foundation Updates and Goals
Bro. Avant discusses the progress and goals of the Sigma foundation, highlighting the need for fundraising and support from working brothers. Pres. Vic Oditah Jr encourages initiatives that support the chapter’s efforts and emphasizes the importance of moving the conversation forward to serve the community effectively. Chuck Scott provides updates on the PBS Indy Foundation and emphasizes the need for commitment from board members to raise funds for the foundation.

Financial and Administrative Goals
Vic Oditah Jr and Brother Financial Secretary outline their financial and administrative goals, such as organizing financial records using QuickBooks, managing tax-exempt entities, and expanding fundraising efforts. They also plan to create a centralized repository for financial documents and establish clear guidelines for their roles to ensure a smooth succession plan, emphasizing the importance of maintaining financial stability and transparency within the organization.
* Financial Report and Budgeting

Office of Second Vice Updates
Vic Oditah Jr, in his role as the Office of Second Vice, updates the members on various upcoming events, including the Circus City Classic, Aspire House activities, and the Blue and White Weekend. He also discusses plans for open interviews and emphasizes the importance of supporting the community. Additionally, he mentions a show of respect from Sharon and Tim and outlines the goals and initiatives of the office.

Pres. Vic Oditah Jr Addresses Conduct and Accountability
President Vic Oditah Jr addressed the group, expressing his dissatisfaction with the lack of respectful conduct and accountability during meetings. He emphasized the need for a more professional and business-like approach, urging members to conduct themselves appropriately and be open to feedback. Vic Oditah Jr also stressed the importance of maintaining a winner’s mindset and being receptive to constructive criticism.
* Conduct and professionalism in meetings

Discussion on GOMAB Awards and Service City Classic
Pres. Vic Oditah Jr. leads a discussion on the GOMAB Awards, proposing the idea of not hosting the event this year due to financial considerations. Additionally, plans for the Service City Classic parade are discussed, with a focus on promoting voter registration during the event. The meeting also touches on the need to maintain political neutrality and the upcoming 90th Great Lakes Regional Conference hosted by Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated.
* Political neutrality and endorsement policies

Action Items:

* Vic Oditah Jr will explore the possibility of replicating or using the vote shirts for the unity march and send the link to the appropriate contacts.
* Kenneth Wilson Jr will look into maintaining records for the use of Zelle and follow up with the president.
* Brother Devon Dykes will coordinate with Brother Sargent to find a new venue for the bowl-a-thon and work on fundraising ideas.
* Brother Lou Chisholm will recruit help for the NBA Math Hoops program and fundraising for programming.
* Vic Oditah Jr will set up an online course for new members to take different SOPs before becoming a member.
* Vic Oditah Jr will coordinate with the Veterans Committee to work on the MOU and documentation for recognition.
* Brother Wade will recruit a volunteer to be the Sergeant of Arms for the chapter.
* Brother Garner will oversee the documentation of PIAs for each committee to ensure recognition and service at the upcoming Conclave.
* Vic Oditah Jr will coordinate with the brothers across the state to support the regional conference hosted by Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated.
* Vic Oditah Jr will discuss with the e-board and bring back to the chapter the idea of starting a signature event for the regional conference.

Round Table Discussions:

* What do you need from the brotherhood to support the Veterans Committee?
* How often does the council meet and what are the meeting times?
* What platforms are we using for external communication with the community?
* What are the needs and goals for the Education Committee and how can brothers help?
* How can we recruit more brothers to join committees?
* What are the plans for the upcoming events and initiatives?
* Is there time to replicate or use the vote shirts for the unity march?
* Is it possible for us to wear good trouble shirts for the John Lewis Voting Act?

Meeting Adjourned at 8:50 PM.


For Church Services: The dress code is Blu Blazer, Blue & White striped Tie, White Shirt, Black Pants, Black Socks, and Black Shoes. 






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