Executive Committee/Executive Board

Executive Committee/
Executive Board

There shall be an Executive Committee composed of the Elected Officers of The Chapter and the chairmen of the standing committees. The term of office of the members of the Executive Board shall be concurrent with the terms of their elected or appointed office.

The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the President and shall be responsible for the transaction of routine business between the regular meetings of The Chapter. The Executive Board shall be empowered to act, on behalf of The Chapter, in situations of emergency; provided that a full and complete report is made to The Chapter of such actions at the next regularly scheduled meeting, and provided no further action taken by the Executive Board be contrary to any expressed policy of The Chapter. An emergency 9 | F B S is defined as a situation that needs immediate attention before the next regularly scheduled chapter meeting that would otherwise cause a negative impact to The Chapter and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity.

The term of office for appointed members of the Executive Committee shall coincide with Article 3, Section 7a of the constitution.

Elected Officer Positions and Duties

The President shall be the chief executive officer of The Chapter and shall preside at all meetings of The Chapter, The Executive Board and The Executive Committee. He shall explain and decide all questions of order, appoint all chairmen and members of committees provided for in the Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules of Procedure. He shall serve as ex-officio chairman of all committees, with the exception of the nominating committee. He shall see that the meetings are conducted with decorum and discipline and shall exercise due care that his attitude is at all times fair and impartial. He shall display a good working knowledge of parliamentary procedure and shall carry out all provisions of the Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules of Procedure. He shall sign all official documents of The Chapter.

The 1st Vice-President shall assume the office of President in the event of death, resignation, or removal, and shall act for the President in absence or incapacity of the President. He shall also be responsible for chairing the Membership Committee and the Fraternal Relations Committee. He shall serve as ex-officio member of all committees.

The 2nd Vice-President shall be responsible for the implementation of the programs of The Chapter as outlined in Section VII of the Constitution. He shall also assist the 1st Vice-President in implementing membership intake activities. He shall also be responsible for chairing the Program Committee and the Events Committee. He shall serve as ex-officio member of all committees.

The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all the funds of The Chapter. He shall receive all funds and give a receipt thereafter, he shall deposit all funds in such bank/s as is/are approved by The Chapter, to the credit of Xi Sigma Chapter, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated. He shall make a monthly report to The Chapter regarding the financial standing of all funds not limited to receipts and disbursements. The monthly report shall include all fully financial members (by name), payment of chapter dues with description to indicate name of recipient and date received, balance of all accounts which shall include the details of receipts and disbursements. He shall make an annual report of receipts and disbursements to The Chapter as of the 2nd Saturday of December (fully detailed with a minimum of monthly details).

(a) If funds must be dispersed via cash or electronic means (credit card, debit card, wire transfer, etc), written notification must be given to the President for signature.

(b) Funds dispersed in section 4a must be included in the Treasurer’s report for review.

The Secretary shall keep a record of The Chapter and advised chapters; he shall keep a record of the meetings of The Chapter, Executive Board and the Executive Committee; he shall make a report to The Chapter on the conduct of his office at every meeting. He shall distribute meeting minutes to the appropriate body no later than 14 calendar days after said meeting. He shall provide the chapter meeting agenda and slide deck (slide deck required for all virtual meetings) to the membership no later than 6 calendar days prior to the meeting. He shall be the general administrative officer of The Chapter; prepare the Chapter Self-Assessment Form (CSAF) with the collaboration of the program directors, advisors and committee chairs for it completion. He shall be responsible for the distribution of all emails and correspondence of the membership.

) The Director of Publicity is responsible for publicizing all chapter activities. He shall focus on The Chapter’s media outreach to highlight the programs and intiatives, selecting the most compelling video clips, photographs, flyers and other promotional/publicity materials to best represent The Chapter to the general public and other targeted audiences. He shall also maintain The Chapter’s webpage to ensure current and accurate information is being displayed.

(b) It will also be his duty to proactively seek out newsworthy coverage on individual members of The Chapter and its advising chapters’ members for publication; he shall see that all news concerning the activities of The Chapter is publicized in the appropriate news and social media outlets (local, regional and national).


The president, acting on behalf of The Chapter, shall establish a Program committee using the following programming guidelines on or before the occasion of the first regular Chapter meeting of each year: This committee shall be chaired by the 2nd Vice-President.

For Bigger and Better Business the programming committee shall design such programs as may promote and foster ideas for effective organization, improvement, and expansion of business and the dissemination of propagation of information for the advancement of sound business principles and practices. The committee shall assist the membership in the preparation and updating of personal resumes.

For Education the committee shall design such programs as may promote academic, economic, industrial, and business education.

For Social Action the committee shall design such programs as may promote the social welfare and full participation of all persons within the society. The committee shall carry out such programs as may provide needed social services. The committee shall maintain a close working relationship with the appropriate campus and citywide social action organizations.

This committee shall be composed of representatives from; alumni Chapter of Xi Sigma, alumni Chapters of other local accepted Alumni and Collegiate Chapters of Phi Beta Sigma, members and members of alumni (Chapters) of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. for the purpose of planning and implementing the annual scholarship banquet and the selection of scholarship recipients.

This committee shall be composed of member of The Chapter and members of (all three Alumni Chapters in Central Indiana) of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. for the purpose of planning and implementing the annual scholarship banquet and the selection of scholarship recipients.

The Budget Committee shall be composed of the President, the Treasurer, the Secretary, and two other members of the Chapter (if financial membership so allows). The Committee shall be chaired by the Treasurer.

The Fraternal Relations Committee shall foster and maintain a close relationship between The Chapter and the various brother Chapters within The Fraternity. The committee shall be charged with the responsibility to assist members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority and to cooperate, whenever possible, with members of other fraternal organizations.

The Membership Committee shall develop all necessary procedures, in accordance with the rules of the Regional Conference and the conclave, for the orientation of new members. The committee shall structure all necessary information sessions, interviews, and recommend the appropriate names to The Chapter for acceptance, and coordinate the day-to-day scheduling of the intake process. This committee shall be chaired by the 1st Vice President.

The Sigma Beta Club Committee shall develop all necessary procedures, program and programs, in accordance with the National Sigma Beta Club handbook, for the operation of the Xi Sigma Chapter, Sigma Beta Club, hereinafter referred to as “The Club”. All members of the Committee and Chapter members who regularly affiliated with the club are required to undergo a background check with the Marion County Sheriff’s Department.

The Nominating Committee shall consider financial members for nomination to every elective office in The Chapter. The committee shall submit one slate to the voting membership no less than on meeting prior to scheduled elections.

The Law and Revisions Committee will review the Constitution and Bylaws in addition to all proposed amendments. This committee shall compile a listing of all amendments and present to The Chapter for vote. At the conclusion of voting, this committee will compile and submit to the Secretary so he may keep an up-to-date copy of the Constitution and Bylaws that will be distributed to all members of The Chapter.

Article III – Officers, Terms of Office, Removal from Office, Elections and Qualifications

Section 1. The Elected Officers of The Chapter shall be The President, The 1st Vice President, The 2nd Vice President, The Secretary, The Treasurer, and The Director of Publicity. Section 2. The Elected Officers of the Chapter shall be designated members of the Executive Committee.

Section 3. The president shall, with the consent of The Chapter, appoint a parliamentarian.

Section 4. The officers, with the exception of the parliamentarian, shall be elected in January of the year of the Regional Conference.

Section 5. No officer with the exception of the Parliamentarian may serve more than two successive terms.

Section 6. The president, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, may appoint such other officers as The Chapter may decide by resolution.

Section 7. The term of office, of an elected officer, shall begin March 1st of a Regional Conference year and end February 28th of the next Regional Conference year.

(a) Term of office is defined as 24 consecutive months.

(b) An elected officer may be subject to removal of office the moment be fails to fulfill his financial responsibilities (National, Regional, and Chapter). Any emergency situation that arises that prevents an officer from fulfilling their financial obligations shall be reviewed and voted upon by the remaining Executive Board members on a case-by-case basis for the officer to retain or be removed from said office.

Section 8. The Chapter may remove any officer for misfeasance, malfeasance or non-feasance in office or for conduct that tends to hold the Chapter or the Fraternity up to ridicule or contempt, or which tends to bring discredit upon The Fraternity or The Chapter; provided that written charges shall have been served upon such member by registered or certified mail at his last known address, and provided further that he shall have been given at least 30 days to answer such charges prior to any such removal.

Section 9. No officer shall be removed under the provisions of this article unless his removal shall have been agreed to by at least two-thirds (2/3) vote of Quorum of The Chapter (present and voting), after a personal hearing has been granted.

Section 10. Any officer removed under this article shall thereafter be ineligible to hold office in The 8 | FBS Chapter for 48 months. Section 11. The Chapter shall convene at a formal hearing for the removal of an officer under this provision to provide answers to such charges brought forth. (a) In the event an elected officer is removed from or vacates office, an Executive Committee member will assume that office until a special meeting is called. The special meeting will present a replacement for the reminder of that elected officer’s term.

Section 12. No member shall be nominated for or elected to any office unless he shall have been an active member of The Chapter for at least twelve (12) consecutive months. Active is defined as satisfying all financial obligations on all three levels (National, Regional, and Local); registered and attend the most recent State Meeting/Regional Conference/ or Conclave; have not accumulated more than four (4) unexcused absences to the chapter meetings during the year of the nomination. An unexcused absence is defined as being absent without notification to the Secretary, prior to a meeting being called to order.

To view the full chapter constitution visit the Xi Sigma Marketplace