Work Colts vs. Chiefs Game

Date and time

Sun, Sept 25, 2022, 8:30 AM EDT

Meet-up Location

Downtown White Castles

55 W South St, Indianapolis, IN 46225

About This Volunteer Service Event

As we stated on our last Chapter meeting, Brothers have a great opportunity to pay their 2023 dues. 
Xi Sigma Alumni Chapter are in partnership with Best Garda, who has a contract with Lucas Oil Stadium.
We have been ask to work this week Colts home game against the Kansas City Chiefs. The game starts at 1pm and we are to be there at 9:00am and we should be done by 5/5:30pm (Earn $70 per game).

Every game worked Brothers will earn $70 per game towards their dues and the remaining funds from the  Best Garda event will be credited towards Xi Sigma’s Operations. 

Funds are deposited directly to Xi Sigma’s account which will then be credited towards Brothers annual membership dues held in a savings account until the end of the year. 

The attire is black pants, black socks and black shoes; Best Garda will provide us a Polo shirt for working.

There is a background check which Best Garda will help pay for along with paperwork that needs to be filled out onsite, signed and date by each participant. Remember this is for payment toward your 2023 Fully Financial Dues.

The agreement is that you work 7 games or events with Best Garda and Xi Sigma Alumni Chapter will pay your dues for 2023. You may also bring a guest (Family/Friends) to participate with you as long as they fill out the paperwork.

If you have any questions please contact Brother OC Miles for applications: 317-490-8537 or ocmiles@pbsindy.org 

GOMAB Brothers! See you Downtown!



Sent by Brother O.C. Miles | 1st Vice | ocmiles@pbsindy.org

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