To see slides to the meeting, click on the link and download.

December 2024_Xi Sigma Chapter Meeting. 12.19.2024.pdf

Xi Sigma Meeting, Thursday December 19th.  (Online)

Bro. Pres. Vic Oditah
Bro. OC Miles
Bro. Phillip Melton
Bro. Michael Garner
Bro. Kenny Coleman
Bro. Trent Sherrell
Bro. Berlin Parker
Bro. Bernard Burt-Johnson
Bro. Chris Howard
Bro. Fernando Patterson
Bro. Antwian Avant
Bro. Ullyses Trey Love
Bro. Clarence
Bro. Dr. Richard Curry
Bro. John Simms
Bro. Darius
Bro. Joe Hall
Bro. Marques Gibson
Bro. Johnnie Wade
Bro. Lou Chism
Bro. Maurice Boler
Bro. Glynn Allen
Bro. Dr. Michael Twyman
Bro. Rodney Flynn
Bro. Ennis Adams
Bro. Terence Sanford
Bro. Wes Lancaster
Bro. Edward
Bro. Marcus Oliver


Meeting Minutes
Move to accept Meeting minutes by Treasurer Bro. Phillip Melton
and second by Bro. Berlin Parker.

Motion Carried.

Treasurer Report by Bro. Phillip Melton and Bro. Kenny Coleman
Move to Accept Treasurer Report by Bro. O.C. Miles and second by Bro. Trent Sherrell.

Motion Carried. 

Motion to accept By-Laws Adjustments by Bro. Trent Sherrell and 2nd by Bro. Ennis Adams.

Motion Carried.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:32 PM


Greetings Men of Sigma,

I hope all is well with you and your families. The holidays are near and Xi Sigma Chapter has upcoming events and community service volunteer opportunities. Brothers, there is a money making opportunity with our partner; Quest Event Management: details are in the link below. 
Now for Sigma business, if you would like to start paying for your Membership fees please contact me by phone, not email or text. If you have any sponsor opportunities and need help closing the deal please let me know. PBS INDY would be glad to help close the deal. Remember, you can sell them the $250.00 sponsor to help set off the cost of your fees. Again, membership dues are $230.00 for International/Regional and $75.00 for Xi Sigma dues: the total is $305.00 by December 31st, 2024. Any payments after this date will add a $25.00 late fee to your 2025 dues: $325.00 to be fully financial. 

Quest Volunteer Link:

Thank you and happy holidays to all,
Brother OC Miles




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