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Good Evening Brothers, 

Xi Sigma has one more opportunity for all members of Phi Beta Sigma Incorporated to Come Back Home. We
are promoting the fee of $305.00 to become fully financial for 2024. If you would like to take advantage 
of this promotion, just send Xi Sigma your payment and we will make you whole/fully financial on all levels. This 
promotion ends on February 23, 2024. 
The Membership Task Force has placed a $300.00 gift card to the Brother who brings the most brothers back to 
the Xi Sigma Chapter. Also, for those Brothers who have not paid their Local Xi Sigma dues, this date also applies
to your discounted yearly local fee. If you have any questions, please contact Brother OC Miles. 

Here are ways to pay your dues:
PayPal: paypal.me/xisigma

Membership Task Force





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