Postponed – Bro. Mickens Golf Classic  

Greetings Brothers! Unfortunately we do not have enough participation to make the Golf Classic a successful event and given the short notice the Chapter has decided to postpone the Golf Classic until next year.

The additional time allows us to properly plan a successful Golf Outing to Honor Brother Arnold Mickens Sr.

Please update your social media to reflect the event being postponed for a later date and stay tuned for future updates.



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Seeking Sponsorships

The chapter needs your assistance with securing sponsorships. Please share the following PDF link with prospective sponsors. We want to make this an annual event so let’s put our best foot forward. 

Sponsorships include sponsoring a hole on the green which start at $250. 

Let’s show up for Brother Arnold Mickens Sr. as he did for Xi Sigma and our beloved Fraternity. 

Download Sponsorship Packet

Sent by Brother Vic Oditah Jr. | Treasurer | voditah@pbsindy.org

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