Indiana State Meeting 

Date and time

Fri, Nov 4, 2022, 6:00 PM –

Sat, Nov 5, 2022, 5:00 PM EDT


Indiana University Northwest

3400 Broadway

Gary, IN 46408


About this event

The goal is to have over 100 registered Sigmas in attendance in Gary.

Xi Sigma Brothers let’s lead the pack!

With Epsilon Zeta Sigma (Gary, Indiana) being the host chapter for the 2022 Indiana State Meeting, it will be unlike any state meeting you have ever attended. This two-day event will host workshops, informational meetings, vendors, awards and a uniquely crafted meeting gift for each registered attendee to commemorate this Indiana State Meeting.

  • Friday November 4, 2022: Collegiate Summit on Social Activism (Mandatory for collegiate brothers)
  • Friday November 4, 2022: Alumni Brotherhood/Fellowship Event
  • Saturday November 5, 2022: Indiana State Meeting
  • Saturday November 5, 2022: Post State Meeting Day party (free with registration)

Please register early for this state meeting, as the price will increase as time gets closer to the conference.

We have reserved a hotel block. Once you register and answer that you are interested in a room, you will be sent the information on the hotel. The State Meeting block is $79.00 per night and each room has two double beds.

Finally brothers, on the page for ticket options, there will be an opportunity to purchase the registration for a collegiate brother of your choice. Please help our collegiate brothers attend the state meeting!

Special Registration incentives!!!!

State Director Challenge #1: The first 50 brothers that register for the state meeting will be entered into a drawing to win $50. You must be in attendance at the state meeting to win the prize! If you are an alumni brother and you purchase a ticket for a collegiate brother, you will receive a raffle entry for each ticket you purchase.

State Director Challenge #2: The chapters that register over 75% of there chapter for the state meeting based on their BluPrint data, will be entered into a drawing for a $100 Chapter grant!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Brother State Director Karl Nichols at indiana@pbsgreatlakes.org or by phone at 574-208-0888.

GOMAB Brothers! See you in Gary!




Indiana Brotherhood Survey

Help make the Brotherhood even better for the state of Indiana by participating in the Brotherhood survey ahead of the State Meeting.

We want your candid feedback. 

Take The Survey!!!

Sent by Brother Vic Oditah Jr. | Treasurer | voditah@pbsindy.org

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