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This Saturday is the Sigma Beta Stampede! Food, fun, and family. We are raffling free gas cards, providing pizza and play cards for the youth, and sharing the info of Sigma Beta Club!! Come out and support!





Greetings Brothers, 
Xi Sigma Alumni Chapter is extremely excited to say that the Apire House is in the last stages of being totally finished with it’s renovation.

We are less than a month away from the highly anticipated grand opening of Aspire House! The new year has been filled with energy and great excitement as we look to what awaits the Aspire Higher Foundation in the coming months.
We need all brothers on deck to help meet this deadline.

We are asking the Brotherhood to come volunteer from 8:30AM to 12:30PM EDT Saturday 1/27. We will help with painting and hanging doors; we will be inside, but still dress warm. Please wear clothing that you don’t mind getting dirty or paint on. Again, we need volunteers from 8am to 11am at the Aspire House located:
1002 Udell St, Indianapolis, IN 46208
Thank you,
Brother Tim Beaty 

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